International Leadership Program 2024

Let me invite you to travel with me

It’s interesting to think about the strategies we choose to live by and how they shape the world around us. The short-term approach many of us have adopted has led to many societal problems, from inequality to loneliness. But there is hope for a different way of life, one that is based on long-term strategies and a deeper connection to nature and each other.

I was struck by the idea that material possessions have become such a defining characteristic of our identities and that we often prioritize what we do over who we are. It’s no wonder this can lead to feelings of emptiness and disconnection. But by renewing our thoughts, cherishing our words, and exercising our faith, we can build a new foundation for our lives.

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The ABS-Strategy, which stands for Attention, Bonding, and Sacrifice, is a powerful tool for making this shift. We can build stronger bonds with others and find a purpose beyond individual development by paying attention to what matters. And by making sacrifices, we can let go of the old patterns and beliefs that hold us back and embrace a new way of living that is more fulfilling and sustainable.

If you are ready to change your life and gain a new perspective, the ABS-Strategy could be just what you need. With the proper steps and support, you can meet your focus, bond with others, and learn to let go of the old to embrace the new.

Need assistance in developing your long-term strategy?

For a personal approach, contact Esther Caron by emailing her at [email protected] or calling +316 29460579.

Refer to the PDF below for more detailed information about the program.

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You can follow the program either individually or in a group. If you want to apply, e-mail [email protected] or call +316 29460579.

The individual program costs €6.300 excl. VAT and consists of 7 parts of the day.

The group program cost €2.999 excl. VAT consists of 2 days + 3 parts of the day.